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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Chama's charm, financial rescue at last

By Monica Soila

Being a woman and especially a housewife comes with big responsibilities. Taking good care of children and husband, and always ensuring that the homestead is in order.

This is however problematic when there is monetary constraints, leading to a need for making the ends meet so as to cater for the family.

Formation of chamas throughout the country has been the saving grace of many, seeing them realize financial freedom. This has also led to many women achieving their developmental goals during these times of economic hardships mostly brought about by high rates of inflation, unemployment and high cost of living.

Most of these groups comprise of both men and women but in some instances this is limited by tradition where men and women do not integrate, especially in the rural areas.

Women in pastoralist areas like Kajiado have not been left out of this wonderful trend. Most groups begin as mary-go-rounds and some grow into SACCOs when the management is proper.

This is the same way the Merian Women Group in Rombo area of Oloitokitok, Kajiado County began, and with the enthusiasm of the members they are definitely headed for greatness. It is also an umbrella chama that led to formation of four more: Naserian, Osiligi, Enchipai and Nkoroe.

Merian Women Group
“We began with mary-go-rounds,buying utensils for members, then at times we would visit each other in the homes whereby we would take a little money to the lady we are visiting”, said Susan, chairperson for Merian women group.

Merian women group decided to incorporate farming to their activities after leasing a piece of a shamba and have been growing tomatoes and maize interchangeably. They gradually developed and at the moment everyone has a dairy goat.

“The transformation we’ve undergone since formation of this group is quite concrete and we are so happy. Some of us are now able to send our children to secondary schools and we are glad that our husbands have a lesser burden”, added Susan.

This is a step to the right direction and better times lie ahead for most of these groups. A Lot of projects targeting groups are in place e.g. the Uwezo Fund which calls for well structured and established groups to apply.NGOs and other organizations also prefer working with groups, especially women and youth groups.

Everyone is encouraged to follow this route leading to financial empowerment!

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